Get Your Transformation Program Today!
Treadmill & Dumbbell Program

Embarrassed about How your Body Looks because You are Overweight? 

The YPB Transformations System can Help You Transform Your Health & Body in 90 Days, so you Have the Confidence to Show your body ANYWHERE!
It's like Nothing you've ever seen before!

Keep Reading if You're Experiencing:

  • Embarrassment (taking off your clothes or getting into a revealing bathing suit has you avoiding these situations)
  • Your Clothes Don't fit like they used too: You have to buy new, larger sized clothes...or you have settled for wearing "comfort" clothes like baggy jeans, sweat pants, dresses or whatever else will hide your body.
  • You're tired and sluggish: Your energy levels are very low and you seem to have no motivation!
  • ​Your Health is diminished: You have low sex drive, poor sleep, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and are worried that something bad might happen with your health.
Your 90-Day Transformation Program:


You will need access to a Treadmill & Dumbbells
***A Treadmill is a requirement of this Plan***
****Don't worry if you don't have access to a treadmill and dumbbells...we have other Plans****

Everything You Need to Know ABOUT Transforming your Body & Health:

The A - Z Guide that will help you go from being out of shape, overweight and embarrassed to having the confidence to show your body off in any situation.

The YPB 66 Page Guide Provides a Detailed Fitness & Nutrition Program utilizing Little Known but Highly Effective Systems, Tools and Tricks to help you zap fat and improve your health!

What is inside the Manual?

Eating Plan.
The Smart Eating System:
Learn how to  eat the foods you love and still transform your health and body.

Training Program.
THE BALANCED FITNESS PRINCIPLE : "Strength Training that will shape your body, make you strong and ramp up your metabolism; Cardio Training that will zap fat and increase your stamina; And Flexibility Training that will keep you limber and injury free.
THE PERSONAL BEST METHOD: "What gets measured gets done" Tracking your Results from Each Workout and then later Challenging Yourself to Beat your Results will propel you to a body that you never thought possible!

Improve Your Body & Health in 90 Days or Less!     

Who is this Program For?

  • Any man, woman, mom or dad that has started a diet...lost weight and then gained it all back and maybe more.
  • Anyone that was a High School Athlete that thrived and was in great shape because they had a structured training system, but now is confused about where to start.
  • Any mom that is postpartum and wants the body back they had before their kid(s).
  • ​Anyone that gained weight because they sympathy eat while their partner went through weight gain during pregnancy and have had trouble getting the weight back off.

What does a YPB Transformation Look Like?

I’ve been hesitant to post this because of how embarrassing the “before” photo is. This was me from January 7, 2019, and then the “after” from April 13, 2019. It’s been an amazing journey, and I’m happy to say that I exceeded my goal, losing 61 lbs over the last 90 days. A lot of credit and a big THANK YOU goes to Brian Rainey with Brian Rainey Fitness, YPB Transformation for his coaching and support throughout the program. You have been amazing to work with! And thank you to Anmarie for putting up with me, and my friends and family for the ongoing support. Looking forward to continuing my progress to a healthier and fitter life..

The STAKES are High when it comes to your Mental and Physical Health!

Humans like me and you - Move away from PAIN and Towards PLEASURE

Sometimes PAIN Masquerades as PLEASURE but it Really isn't....
The urge to Eat a Cheeseburger EVERY DAY isn't pleasure!
"It is PAIN in disguise"
  • You Can Stay on Your Current Trajectory: and Avoid Events and Experiences where you might have to take off your shirt and be EMBARRASSED!
  •  You can Continue to Ignore Your Unhealthy Eating Habits and end up with Heart Disease or a bunch of other Horrible Diseases; and Risk not being around to experience friends and family as they move through life!
  • You can Continue to be Sedentary Like the rest of the US Population: and watch your muscles get smaller and your waist, butt and thighs get bigger and have to buy larger and larger clothes OR...


Who We Are...

Brian Rainey
I've been a fitness trainer for 24 years.
I've coached, trained and counseled thousands of people.

When I was 34 years old I had a major heart attack that made me rethink and relearn everything I new about body transformation and weight loss.

The body altering trickery I learned as a personal trainer was not the way...

I had to learn the hard way and almost lost my life!

Now I can guide you away from the pain I experienced so you do not have too...

I am the creator and co-founder of the YPB System and I am here to guide you through lasting Body Transformation, so you don't have to experience what I experienced.

Michaela and I are honored to offer you the YPB Transformation Dumbbells and Treadmill program.
Michaela Rainey
I'm a mom of three. 
I help mom's transform their health & body's, and I do so by helping them navigate the pain and struggles that we--women endure everyday. We do our best to provide the healthiest food and tools to stay physically and mentally strong for ourselves and our families.
There are "no magic pills" or "potions" only lots of trial and error to maintaining a healthy body and mind. 
I am a believer in focused body transformation and so much of it has to do with solid Plant Based Nutrition and Mental health for me and the girls I work with. The YPB System can help you transform your health and body in 90 days and start you on the path to living the healthiest and best life you can, so that you are ready when your family needs you!

Why I Had to Develop This Program

Every day, countless men and women get out of bed and look at themselves in the mirror as they prepare for their day and are embarrassed about their body.

My wife and I have both been through this.
No one ever talks about it though...It isn't a conversation that comes up at the dinner table or at a party.

It is something we carry around with us hidden underneath the baggy clothes that hide it.

We avoid situations that reveal our bodies because we are embarrassed.

I was embarrassed to go to a POOL PARTY that my daughter was invited to.

My wife was very pregnant at the time and asked me to take our daughter.

She didn't want to reveal all the weight she had gained during the pregnancy! 

I was overweight too. I caused a huge fight because I was embarrassed to take off my shirt at the pool party!

There was no excuse for it...I should have said "yes" when she asked me to take my daughter but...I said no.

The damage was done...she took our daughter to the pool party, but I failed my wife, my daughter and myself on that day!

The next few weeks is when the YPB Program was formed.

I should have transformed my body long before the "pool party incident" but I didn't!

I had every reason...see, just a couple years early I had a massive heart attack.

I tried every thing I could think of to get in shape after the heart attack but I failed every single time I tried.

The heart attack wasn't motivation enough to do it.
The 2 different gym memberships didn't do it.
The P90x didn't do it.
The Insanity program didn't do it.
The Keto Diet didn't do it.
The Home Fitness Equipment I purchased didn't do it.

It took the disappointment from my daughter and wife for me to fix my problem of embarrassment.

Now I have the Confidence that I didn't have then...

And so can YOU!

 I had to create this program! 

Michaela and I believe it is our duty and responsibility to share what we learn with other people.

We now are offering the YPB Program in this insanely awesome e-Manual Format!

What we normally charge a lot of money for in a 1 to 1 coaching program...we are now supplying it to you in the e-Manual format today for a very low one time fee.

Brian's Transformation

Michaela's Transformation

The YPB 90-Day Money Back Guarantee!

You won't fail! 
If for any reason after you try the YPB Program for 90 days and you are not completely satisfied with the program, we will refund your money IN FULL!

So, what are you waiting for?!

This is completely risk-free...
If you think there might be the slightest chance that this could TRANSFORM YOUR BODY to what you would like it to be, stop procrastinating and click the button below to get started on this journey together!

We are here to help you TRANSFORM your body!

We are with you!

Your friends,
Brian and Michaela
Get Your Risk Free e-Manual by clicking the button below:

The YPB e-Manual The Treadmill & Dumbbells
 Transformation System FAQs

  • When I purchase e-Manual Transformation Program, how will it be delivered to me?
Answer: The manual is delivered to you in your personal member portal. We will email you login information right after your process your payment.
  • Do I really need a treadmill and dumbbells for this program?
Answer: Yes, for this plan you will need a treadmill and a few dumbbells. We do have other plans that don't require a treadmill and dumbbells. 
  •  How do I get a refund for my purchase? 
Answer: You must try the program for 90 days. If you are unsatisfied after 90 days and you've gone through the step by step process then we will refund your money.
  •  Can I do this Program while I am pregnant? 
Answer: Only if your doctor Approves!


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